As a developer, concentration and focus are crucial to accomplish tasks effectively and efficiently. Unfortunately, working in a noisy or distracting environment can present a significant challenge to achieving optimal concentration. This is where noise-canceling headphones come in handy. They block out external sounds and reduce noise distractions. But I …
read moreJ'ai hacké ma sonette !
En tant que développeur, la concentration et la focalisation sont cruciales pour accomplir les tâches de manière efficace et efficiente. Malheureusement, travailler dans un environnement bruyant ou distrayant peut représenter un défi important pour atteindre une concentration optimale. C'est là que les casques antibruit sont utiles. Ils bloquent les sons …
read moreAbout Kivy
When I talk to developers around me, I rarely meet one who knows the Kivy framework.
So let's talk about it.
Kivy is a cross-platform Python GUI framework. It can run on Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, and Windows. It is easy to use and fast and licensed under the MIT …
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